Friday, December 4, 2009

Can Shoes Make You Happy?

The main focus of my blog is shoes, as you can see from my posts. I love all types of shoes and cannot help but buy more every time some money enters my bank account. I would consider myself a High St version of Victoria Beckham. While she walks around in her Manolos and Louboutins, I strut around in my Primark pumps. Victoria is pictured everyday in a different pair of shoes and I have always wished that I could do that, however, would it actually make me happy? I believe that everyone should have a hobby, and mine just happens to be shoes. Not just buying them, I like to research the new styles of shoes being brought in to the shops, I also like putting the shoes, I would never be able to buy, on. I just like trying them on and prancing around the shop, because it makes me feel good.

Victoria Beckham also loves shoes, and even has her own range, but it doesn't make her happy. She is always in the paper and magazines, suffering from stress or some other problem that has recently cropped up in her life. The passion I have for shoes, has always made me think that anyone with the money to buy such stunning shoes would always feel happy when walking in them, but this does not seem to be the case. I may sound naive, but shoes have always made me happy in the past and wearing a new pair of shoes that just set your outfit off, everyday has always been my idea of bliss. Girls and boys who love their shoes as much as I do, will understand the feeling you get when you wear a new pair of shoes for the first time. Especially if they are a new pair of heels, not only do you look taller, you feel taller. Unfortunately, as my shoe collection grows, I am realising that shoes can not solve all troubles and as I get older and start to worry about more things, it takes a lot more than a new pair of shoes to make me happy.

Material things should not come first in anyone's life, because there are more important things and anyone who is materialistic will know that it takes something serious to make you realise that buying more doesn't make the problem go away it just masks it. Of course everyone's passion in life will make them happy when they are sad, but it is short lived and eventually they will have to face the problem in hand. I would like to think that shoes could solve everything in my life, but it is silly to think that way. Obviously it is not a reason to stop pursuing my passion, but I know that even if I am wearing the new shoes, I will still have to face reality and deal with it.

I guess what I am trying to say, is; don't make your hobby your life! Keep it just as that, a hobby, because it needs to be something you can do to get away from the stress of life, even if it is for only 20 minutes. Trying and buying new shoes will always be my hobby and as long as I remember to keep it that, I can continue to enjoy it. Money can't make you happy, well not forever anyway, and now I know shoes can't either.

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