Friday, December 4, 2009

Remembrance Day Vox Pop Evaluation

I was team leader of the group and I helped decide what question we were going to ask the Farnham public. The question we chose was: “With Remembrance Day coming up, do you think it’s still appropriate to commemorate the World War Veterans, or should we focus on the soldiers dying in Iraq and Afghanistan?” Once we knew what we were going to ask we headed in to town to find people to talk to.

Each member of the group asked a different person, so all in all we had five different opinions. After we had recorded five different answers, I helped edit the Vox Pop. As a group we decided that we would cut the question out, so that we would just have the voices of the public. We thought this sounded more professional and something you would hear over the radio. After we had finished editing and were happy with what we had got we all uploaded them on to our blogs.

I think that it was good that we asked the same question, because it enabled us to get a varied response and we could compare what the public thought. However, if we did another Vox Pop, it would be better to ask more people of all different age ranges to get even more variation from the answers. We should also change the question slightly to allow people to elaborate on their answer, because many those we asked only answered yes or no and we had to ask them if they had anything to add. So I feel if we had worded the question differently we would have got more of a response the first time around.

When listening back to our recordings, I realised that the man that I spoke to, answered very quietly and it was very hard to hear him on the tape. If I did it again I would make sure that I held the microphone in the correct place and play it back before we leave to make sure the volume is loud enough, and if it isn’t ask if they could do it again but talk louder. I believe that this were the only things wrong with our Vox Pop and so if we did do it again there would only be minor improvements made.

We worked well as a team and everyone put in their best efforts to make sure that we got the best possible outcome. I believe that the recordings we got gave us a variation of answers and that we achieved what we had hoped for.

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