Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Shopping TV Package Evaluation

I was team leader for my group and was in charge of getting everyone organised. I feel that it was my fault that our first attempt at filming failed, as I did not check if the camera had enough battery and this was one of the main reasons we could not film all that we wanted. Our second attempt, however, was a lot better and I feel we used a lot of different TV techniques, such as, a voiceover, a link, interviews and a P2C.

It was my responsibility to decide what role each member of the group played in order to get the best results from our TV package. After we had all written the script together and we all knew who was doing what, we went in to Farnham to do our filming. I was also in charge of filming the P2C and the interviews. I feel with the short, snappy sentences in our script that we made the package fun and uplifting, a style that we had hoped to achieve.

After the filming, I helped decide what should go where and what bits to cut out whilst another member of the group edited it. From all the footage that we had, I feel that I helped to find the best bits and put them in an order that looked professional and flowed well. After the editing was complete we all uploaded the completed package to our individual blogs.

It was only when we watched all the footage back, that I realised we could have done things better, such as the pass over from the link to the voiceover. There is a big volume increase when the voiceover starts, which makes the link seem very quiet. If we did the filming again, we should make sure that it is all the same volume and that the microphone is held in the correct place for each part of the package. We should have also filmed more Christmas shopping footage, as the filming that we had didn’t quite look like what we had hoped. It should have also been done with the camera on the tripod as the filming isn’t smooth, because the camera was not steady. We also all agreed that the end of the package could have been better, as the script is brought in to shot and doesn’t look very professional. With more time we would have filmed this part again, to make sure it doesn’t look like it has been scripted and to make sure the P2C flows better.

All in all though, I feel that we improved tremendously from our first attempt and overall our package was put together very well. We all put in the effort needed to produce a successful piece of work and I couldn't’t have asked for a better group of people to work with.

After writing a script for TV, it is easy to see the difference between writing for TV and print. Print is full of long, detailed sentences with little punctuation. However we found it easier to use simple, short sentences, with lots of punctuation when writing our TV script. We had to use short sentences and lots of punctuation, as it’s easy to read and say when there are lots of pauses, it makes it sound more natural and helps it to flow.

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