Friday, December 4, 2009

Can Shoes Make You Happy?

The main focus of my blog is shoes, as you can see from my posts. I love all types of shoes and cannot help but buy more every time some money enters my bank account. I would consider myself a High St version of Victoria Beckham. While she walks around in her Manolos and Louboutins, I strut around in my Primark pumps. Victoria is pictured everyday in a different pair of shoes and I have always wished that I could do that, however, would it actually make me happy? I believe that everyone should have a hobby, and mine just happens to be shoes. Not just buying them, I like to research the new styles of shoes being brought in to the shops, I also like putting the shoes, I would never be able to buy, on. I just like trying them on and prancing around the shop, because it makes me feel good.

Victoria Beckham also loves shoes, and even has her own range, but it doesn't make her happy. She is always in the paper and magazines, suffering from stress or some other problem that has recently cropped up in her life. The passion I have for shoes, has always made me think that anyone with the money to buy such stunning shoes would always feel happy when walking in them, but this does not seem to be the case. I may sound naive, but shoes have always made me happy in the past and wearing a new pair of shoes that just set your outfit off, everyday has always been my idea of bliss. Girls and boys who love their shoes as much as I do, will understand the feeling you get when you wear a new pair of shoes for the first time. Especially if they are a new pair of heels, not only do you look taller, you feel taller. Unfortunately, as my shoe collection grows, I am realising that shoes can not solve all troubles and as I get older and start to worry about more things, it takes a lot more than a new pair of shoes to make me happy.

Material things should not come first in anyone's life, because there are more important things and anyone who is materialistic will know that it takes something serious to make you realise that buying more doesn't make the problem go away it just masks it. Of course everyone's passion in life will make them happy when they are sad, but it is short lived and eventually they will have to face the problem in hand. I would like to think that shoes could solve everything in my life, but it is silly to think that way. Obviously it is not a reason to stop pursuing my passion, but I know that even if I am wearing the new shoes, I will still have to face reality and deal with it.

I guess what I am trying to say, is; don't make your hobby your life! Keep it just as that, a hobby, because it needs to be something you can do to get away from the stress of life, even if it is for only 20 minutes. Trying and buying new shoes will always be my hobby and as long as I remember to keep it that, I can continue to enjoy it. Money can't make you happy, well not forever anyway, and now I know shoes can't either.

Remembrance Day Vox Pop Evaluation

I was team leader of the group and I helped decide what question we were going to ask the Farnham public. The question we chose was: “With Remembrance Day coming up, do you think it’s still appropriate to commemorate the World War Veterans, or should we focus on the soldiers dying in Iraq and Afghanistan?” Once we knew what we were going to ask we headed in to town to find people to talk to.

Each member of the group asked a different person, so all in all we had five different opinions. After we had recorded five different answers, I helped edit the Vox Pop. As a group we decided that we would cut the question out, so that we would just have the voices of the public. We thought this sounded more professional and something you would hear over the radio. After we had finished editing and were happy with what we had got we all uploaded them on to our blogs.

I think that it was good that we asked the same question, because it enabled us to get a varied response and we could compare what the public thought. However, if we did another Vox Pop, it would be better to ask more people of all different age ranges to get even more variation from the answers. We should also change the question slightly to allow people to elaborate on their answer, because many those we asked only answered yes or no and we had to ask them if they had anything to add. So I feel if we had worded the question differently we would have got more of a response the first time around.

When listening back to our recordings, I realised that the man that I spoke to, answered very quietly and it was very hard to hear him on the tape. If I did it again I would make sure that I held the microphone in the correct place and play it back before we leave to make sure the volume is loud enough, and if it isn’t ask if they could do it again but talk louder. I believe that this were the only things wrong with our Vox Pop and so if we did do it again there would only be minor improvements made.

We worked well as a team and everyone put in their best efforts to make sure that we got the best possible outcome. I believe that the recordings we got gave us a variation of answers and that we achieved what we had hoped for.

Christmas Shopping TV Package Evaluation

I was team leader for my group and was in charge of getting everyone organised. I feel that it was my fault that our first attempt at filming failed, as I did not check if the camera had enough battery and this was one of the main reasons we could not film all that we wanted. Our second attempt, however, was a lot better and I feel we used a lot of different TV techniques, such as, a voiceover, a link, interviews and a P2C.

It was my responsibility to decide what role each member of the group played in order to get the best results from our TV package. After we had all written the script together and we all knew who was doing what, we went in to Farnham to do our filming. I was also in charge of filming the P2C and the interviews. I feel with the short, snappy sentences in our script that we made the package fun and uplifting, a style that we had hoped to achieve.

After the filming, I helped decide what should go where and what bits to cut out whilst another member of the group edited it. From all the footage that we had, I feel that I helped to find the best bits and put them in an order that looked professional and flowed well. After the editing was complete we all uploaded the completed package to our individual blogs.

It was only when we watched all the footage back, that I realised we could have done things better, such as the pass over from the link to the voiceover. There is a big volume increase when the voiceover starts, which makes the link seem very quiet. If we did the filming again, we should make sure that it is all the same volume and that the microphone is held in the correct place for each part of the package. We should have also filmed more Christmas shopping footage, as the filming that we had didn’t quite look like what we had hoped. It should have also been done with the camera on the tripod as the filming isn’t smooth, because the camera was not steady. We also all agreed that the end of the package could have been better, as the script is brought in to shot and doesn’t look very professional. With more time we would have filmed this part again, to make sure it doesn’t look like it has been scripted and to make sure the P2C flows better.

All in all though, I feel that we improved tremendously from our first attempt and overall our package was put together very well. We all put in the effort needed to produce a successful piece of work and I couldn't’t have asked for a better group of people to work with.

After writing a script for TV, it is easy to see the difference between writing for TV and print. Print is full of long, detailed sentences with little punctuation. However we found it easier to use simple, short sentences, with lots of punctuation when writing our TV script. We had to use short sentences and lots of punctuation, as it’s easy to read and say when there are lots of pauses, it makes it sound more natural and helps it to flow.

Monday, November 30, 2009


As more and more rain falls in Farnham, more and more puddles start to appear. Every girl and boy who care for their shoes, knows that water does not mix well with them. The only sensible shoe to wear in such weather is the wellington boot!

The boring green farmer styled boot is long gone. Wellies now come in every colour and every design. Shoe shop, Office, cater for every need, whether you want to be extravagant or subtle when deciding your style.

They are a definate must-have for your winter wardrobe, because they will save you from disasters, such as, wet suede or muddy plimsoles that used to be white. You will not regret your decision if you choose to buy a pair of wellington boots. so go on, be spontaneous and next time you see a pair of wellies just try them on, see how they feel. You never know you may just fall in love with them!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


First radio VoxPop

VoxPop by annaverdon

Monday, November 9, 2009


Visionworks is a company, who specialise in marketing for other businesses. Whether it be developing market campaigns or producing a short video for a certain company, Visionworks make sure that the business is portrayed in the best light and that the information is relayed in a positive way. Visionworks makes sure a company is marketed in the correct way and the best way.

The short films they produce are done to a very high standard and are worth doing if you are wishing to promote your business, Visionworks deliver value so it's guaranteed that you will get what you want from the short film and your business will get the right message across.

Visionworks specialise in marketing and therefore if you need help, leave it to the experts and you will not be disappointed. I have a link to the website on my blog so check it out!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Vintage Shoes

A few weeks ago my Mum found a pair of Roland Cartier boots in the attic, that she had 20 years ago, it was love at first sight. They are knee high and resemble a horse riding boot. They were a perfect fit, which made me very happy, because the beauty about vintage is that you will be hard pushed to find someone else wearing the same as you. I have been saving them for the winter months, so you will be seeing me strutting around in them soon.

I advise everyone to give vintage a chance, because it's a perfect way to create your own style and get people talking about your outfit. These boots were very fashionable when my Mum wore them and I am going to make sure they become fashionable again. Watch this space.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

UGG Boots

Whilst walking in Farnham the other day, I passed a shop window and something caught my eye. Grey UGG Boots. They were so pretty and looked so comfortable and I thought to myself that they would be perfect. I already own a pair of chestnut ones and cream ones, but grey is an essential colour. It would go with dark colours and light colours, so therefore I came to the conclusion that £180 is well worth it, as I would get a lot of wear from these boots. I wear my other UGG boots all the time and they are so comfortable it is like wearing slippers! So I think the price of them is relatively cheap from the wear you get from them.
So I have decided that when my student loan finally reaches my bank account I'm going to buy these wonderful shoes, or maybe get someone else to buy them for me, you never know.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

High St Fashion

When in Guildford the other day, I visited Topshop and immediately fell in love with their massive shoe range. They have so many different styles, from classic to boutique, all at affordable prices (unless you are a student with no money, like me). They have an array of colours, set up in a way that catches the eye immediately.

The shoe that I took a particular liking to, was the Pony ankle boot by the Boutique range. The 100% leather boot is made to look like its made of 'pony' hair and has 4.5 inch heel, so you won't break your neck. They are simply stunning and would look great for the winter with some black tights and a winter coat and would keep you on trend, as ankle boots are the most popular style of boot at the moment.

I adore Topshop, because even though they are a High St store they still keep up to date with fashion trends and allow the general public to look good whilst they walk, but don't have the designer price tag attached. Their shoe range has to be favourite range in the High St market and as soon as my student loan comes through I will be treating myself to a new pair of beauties.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Christian Louboutin's Total Madness Range

Christian Louboutin is known for his exquisite shoes, ranging from classic pumps to 'really high' shoes, but he has gone all out for his new range. The Total Madness range consists of only three shoes at the moment, however the shoes that he has designed are stunning. They all have the trademark 'red sole', but are totally different to his classic designs.

Stelis (the name of the total madness wedge) is made of blue rhinestones and black suede and would be a big statement to any party dress.

The peep-toe shoe (Bridget Strass) has a gold platform and heel, with gold rhinestones. The rest is mesh with a flower design. It shouldn't work, but it does so well!

The classic court shoes has had a massive make-over for the last shoe of the collection.
The Calypso has a blue rhinestone front and a black rhinestone heel. It can only be described as beautiful and would make any foot look ready for a red carpet event!

Owning a pair of Louboutin's is a distant dream for me, but for now I will sit back and admire the sheer beauty which is expressed through every single pair of his shoes. Maybe one day.